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The mission of Pony Club is to "develop character, leadership, confidence and a sense of community in youth through a program that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding and mounted sports.” Members of USPC have joined an organization dedicated to producing well-rounded horsemen and women and one that has produced many of the past and current Olympic and International riders.

USPC is unique because its educational programs place equal emphasis on the teaching of riding skills, horse-care fundamentals, and team participation with sportsmanship. From the moment youth join USPC until they graduate, they are part of a broad network of activities and educational programs that promote the health and safety of both horse and rider. USPC is dedicated to developing knowledgeable, competent, responsible, and caring horsemen.





An official branch of the United States Pony Clubs


Local kids aged from 5 through 25, living in New Hartford, Hudson, Cedar Falls, Waterloo, Janesville, Waverly, Independence, Rowley.....and other communities in the Cedar Valley!

Unmounted Knowledge: All about horses and safety. From how to care for a horse to basic veterinary skills. This includes Junior Pony Club for members aged 5-10.
Mounted: Pony Club Games, Jumping, Equitation, Polocrosse, Tetrathlon, Eventing, Dressage, Trail Rides and more!
Camps: Trips to equine events - Clinics 

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                -- There's always something fun going on!
At members' homes and local barns in the Cedar Valley for local events. 
All over Iowa and Illinois for regional events.
All over the nation for national events!

How often do we meet?
November through March: for unmounted activities
April through August: Mounted opportunities interspersed with camps, shows and other events.
September through November: Bi-weekly mounted opportunities as we segue into the unmounted season.

What is the commitment?
Our philosophy is to have as many events as possible so that if you miss one, there is always another! Unlike many sports teams and clubs, we are happy to see you when you are able to come and do not penalize you when family or other commitments take precedence.






The United States Pony Clubs, Inc., develops character,
leadership, confidence and a sense of community in youth through a program

that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding and mounted sports


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